Effective January 1st 2022, all of the members of SMITHS IP are now practising as part of the firm Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP. Feel free to contact us at our new home and emails at Oyen Wiggs.

Coupable of arson! Moot trial verdict

Guilty!  Or rather “coupable!” was the jury verdict at the moot trial on an arson charge.  The moot trial was organized by the Association des Juristes d’Expression Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique.  The well-organized event featured a French-speaking judge of the Provincial Court, a French-speaking panel of jurors and witnesses.  The accused was found guilty of using kerosene to burn down his under-performing restaurant for the insurance proceeds.  Fatefully, he testified that he purchased the kerosene for his boat, but the jury seemed to agree that he would have been lucky to have a boat that ran on kerosene …  Paul Smith was on the prosecution team.  Lawyers for both the prosecution and the defence came from around the province.